

Thank you all so much for your support over the last year, it’s been truly heart-warming.


Now that I’ve finished running around the house whooping stupidly for a good ten minutes, I can announce that I’ve finished Rocking Horse Hill’s line and copy edits. Which means there are only the final proofs to come. Rah!

It also means that, come Monday, I’ll be starting The Falls, my next rural-set romance. This one should be fun. The hero looks like Chris Hemsworth in Thor mode and I already have lots of photos pinned to my whiteboard for inspiration. Very decorative indeed.

If you’re wondering where Friday Feast has disappeared to, it’s on its annual summer holiday. Friday Feast will return at the end of January, suntanned and sexy, and raring for another great year of fabulous food, super-talented authors, must-read books and amazing giveaways.

In Us Heins Weren’t Meant To Play Golf news (because footy season is still a while away)… somehow, despite sending dozens of balls to a watery grave, duffing shots, swearing a lot and generally feeling cursed, I’ve managed to lose another stroke off my handicap. Apparently the Great Golfing God has taken pity on me and improved my putting game. Don’t worry, he’ll come to his senses and take it away soon. It’s not normal for Heins to post decent scores.

Right. Time for me to toddle off and enjoy a few days R&R. There be many books in my to-be-read pile to dive into, naughty holiday food to cook and some celebratory post-edit fizz to be drunk!


Wishing you all a truly wonderful 2014. May it be filled with much love and laughter.

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