2017 Teaser Tuesday logo

Teaser Tuesday 2017 logoWelcome to the tempting goodness that is Teaser Tuesday, the blog series where I share snippets from my novels, past, present and in progress, and occasionally con author buddies into taking over.

In breaking news…

I’ve just finished the first (and usually hardest) round of edits on my next full length release. RAH!!

And guess what? We finally have a title. It’s going to be called:

The Country Girl title announcement

The Country Girl is scheduled as a January release but you should be able to find it in stores in late December. I’ll confirm that nearer to the date.

I am so excited about this book, and I know I say that with all my releases but this one is special. The feedback from my agent and editors has been fantastic, and I just adore this story and its characters and can’t wait for you to learn about their lives. Tash and Patrick are gorgeous, if I do say so myself!

It seems only fitting to celebrate the end of first edits by sharing a snippet of The Country Girl. Make sure you read to the end though, because there could be a GIVEAWAY!


The Country Girl’s heroine is Tash Ranger, a star food blogger who’s just landed a major cookbook deal. For research and inspiration, she’s moved back to her parents’ property in the far western districts of Victoria. In this scene, her city friends Thom and Ceci have trekked to the country for a visit. Ceci is riding Khan, a horse Tash has acquired, without a helmet when Tash’s neighbour Patrick, with whom Tash has been clashing, rocks up. Sparks fly!


Tash was so lost in her thoughts she failed to notice that a vehicle had pulled into the farm until it was too late. Her heart bounced high into her throat. She snatched at Ceci’s leg as Patrick’s ute veered away from the flat and speared straight for Khan’s paddock. ‘Quick. Get down.’

‘What for? We haven’t finished filming.’

‘Please, Ceci.’

Ceci narrowed her eyes at the rapidly approaching vehicle. ‘Who’s that?’

Tash tugged even harder on her leg. ‘Someone who’s going to kill me if you don’t get down.’


Too late. Patrick was already through the fence and striding towards them. Thom had the camera up, filming everything.

In seconds Patrick’s face was in hers. ‘Are you crazy?’

‘Oh, wow,’ said Ceci, openly ogling Patrick who was, Tash had to admit, looking stupidly sexy in jeans and a white polo shirt that hugged his chest and showed off his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Whatever. He was in his butthead mood and while Ceci clearly found it attractive, Tash didn’t.


As you can probably guess, the hero of The Country Girl is Patrick and he’s a bit of a babe, even if he does drive Tash crazy – in more ways than one. Over coming months I’ll be sharing more about him and all The Country Girl gang so watch out for that.

Now, as mentioned in the intro, we have a…


It feels like ages since I’ve done a giveaway so time to remedy that. For your chance to win a signed print copy of my latest release WAYWARD HEART, simply share your favourite way to spend Easter.

Wayward Heart by Cathryn HeinDo you love to spend the weekend curled up with a good book and scoffing chocolate or are you one of those who loves nothing more than to pack up a tent and trek off into the wilderness?

Growing up, we spent most Easter weekends at our beach shack on the lower south-eastern coast of South Australia. The weather was almost always foul but I adored it. There were some pretty dramatic storms and I loved watching the ocean churn and break over the reefs, and we had a pot-bellied stove that we’d load up so full its belly would glow red. I wouldn’t mind doing that again. It’d be perfect for writing.

What about you? Reveal your favourite Easter fun and I’ll pop you into the giveaway draw.

Please note: Giveaway closes midnight Friday AEST, 14th April 2017. Australian postal addresses only.

To make sure you get all the inside info about The Country Girl, or any of my releases, please sign up to my newsletter. Besides being the first to receive updates, you’ll receive a couple of short stories to enjoy over a cuppa and access to other funstuff. Oh, and I’ll love you. A lot.


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