Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge meme

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Welcome to the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, a year-long challenge set by the good folk at Long and Short Reviews that anyone can participate in. Want to see who else is playing along? Visit here and click on the Miscellaneous Musings link near the top of the page.

As you’ve probably determined from the title, this week’s topic is

One Skill I Wish I Had But Don’t

Hooly-dooly, these topics seem to be getting harder. I suppose it is meant to be a challenge though.

Hmm… what skill would I love to have?

I wish I knew how to design my own website. I like this one. The colours are bright and clean and suit my brand, but the site is getting a bit on now and the list of things I’d like to change and add keeps growing. A shop would be nice, for example, and I’d change the layout of the book pages and probably the home page too. I’d also put the subscription form for this blog at the top of the page, above the book covers, instead of below, and make my newsletter signup more prominent because I adore newsletter subscribers. They’re clever, darling book-lovin’ people and I do cherish them so.

Computer Rage pop art picKnowing how to do this stuff would also stop me hyperventilating every time I accidentally crash my website. Something that happens with horrible regularity and is made worse by not having a clue what it was I did wrong.

Doing it myself would also save money. Websites can be bloody expensive. This one was done as a favour by a friend and even then the cost made me wince. Yes, yes, I know there are platforms like Wix and Weebly out there but they’re not all beer and skittles. And call me precious, but I’d like one designed and tweaked just for me. Which I would be able to do, if I had the skill.

Except I don’t and I’m not about to learn because I’d much rather be writing kissing books.

Or playing golf.

Or cooking, restauranting, cheering from my beloved Sydney Swans, or any number of things that does not involve shudder-inducing technical computer stuff.

Best to leave that sort of thing to the experts.

What skill do you wish you had?


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