Teaser Tuesday MemeWelcome to Teaser Tuesday, where I share snippets from new and past releases and works-in-progress, and occasionally twist the arm of an author buddy to do the same.

Before we get on to today’s snippet, a bit of news from the Hein house.

I’m working on a seekrit project. *Cue evil snigger*

Actually, I’m working on a couple of secret projects but as I’m juggling them with my fast-approaching writing deadline for Serenity’s Song (working title and sequel to Elsa’s Stand) most aren’t getting a lot of attention. I hope to share at least one bit of this news with my newsletter subscribers soon so watch out for that.

If you’re not part of cool crowd, join here.

Other than that, it’s very much a case of what we authors sometimes call BISHOK, which is a rather ugly looking acronym for Bum In Seat, Hands On Keyboard.

Although I was naughty last weekend and tried out this Gordon Ramsay recipe for Mango, White Chocolate and Passionfruit Parfaits. Soooo bad but oh, soooo gooooood! Dead easy to make too. Gotta love a recipe you can whip up in minutes and looks and tastes brilliant.

Speaking of brilliant

Heeeeee! See what I did there? I am the segue queen!

Eh hem. Anyyyywayyy

Today’s Teaser Tuesday excerpt is brought to you by Eddie and the Show Queen. But we won’t be featuring Eddie (gorgeous hunk of manhood that he is) or bright, bubbly Alice. Nope, this snippet is about Scarlett Ash, star of Scarlett and the Model Man, up for pre-order now and a book you won’t want to miss.

Close-up of the male model on Scarlett and the Model Man

Cover detail from Scarlett and the Model Man. included purely for illustrative purposes.

Nothing to do with that Mr Bare-Chesty model blessing its cover. Nothing at all.

And I have not been running my finger over that image when Jim hasn’t been looking either.


Mr Bare-Chesty is very tasty though.


Err, where were we? Oh, yes. Our excerpt.

In this scene, Alice has driven town matriarch and champion nose sticker-inner Audrey Wallace out to visit Scarlett


Scarlett was as eye-popping as her artwork. Her clothes were simple – khaki camouflage-patterned cargo pants, heavy lace-up work boots, and a black, paint-splattered fine-wool jumper. But it was her hair, eyes and skin that made her spectacular. Everything seemed overdone, from the cascading dark curls to the greenness of her eyes and the porcelain beauty of her face. Dramatic and finely drawn, like her art, and probably just as complicated.

Eddie & the Show Queen coverAlice also suspected she was more than a little drunk. A cosy-covered teapot sat on a bench, along with a sugar bowl and a half-empty bottle of gin. Having greeted Mrs Wallace with undisguised mistrust and Alice with strange interest, Scarlett now paced the studio, sipping from a delicate teacup and sliding narrow glances at Mrs Wallace as the older lady flicked through canvases.

‘I don’t do free, as you well know, Audrey.’

Alice had no idea what the relationship between these two was, but the use of Mrs Wallace’s first name suggested a long association. She hoped that was a good sign.

‘This would be a favour.’ Mrs Wallace smiled in a way that reminded Alice of a politician. ‘To me.’

Scarlett’s gaze sharpened even further. ‘Calling one in, are you?’


Yep, she’s a tough cookie, our Scarlett.

Eddie and the Show Queen is available now from these stores:

amazon.com | amazon.com.au | amazon.co.uk

Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes & Noble

Booktopia | Angus & Robertson | Bookdepository

Pre-order Scarlett and the Model Man here:

amazon.com | amazon.com.au | amazon.co.uk

Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play | Barnes & Noble


I’ll have news on how you can order personally signed print copies of Scarlett and the Model Man in my next newsletter and later here on this website. Stay tuned!


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