First up, I’m a very proud Australian Romance Reader Award finalist in two categories. Such a thrill!
My rural romance Heartland is up for Favourite Contemporary Romance and, much to my great honour, I’m up for Favourite Australian Romance Author. Winners will be announced at the awards dinner at Cello’s Restaurant, Castlereagh Hotel, Sydney on 22nd March. Tickets to this glittery, star-studded night can be booked through ARRA. Go on, you know you want to be there!
Sitting on the hall table, ready for posting, is a package containing the proof-read pages of Rocking Horse Hill. Which means the next time I see this manuscript, it won’t be looking like this:
It’ll be in book form with a shiny cover for me to stroke and feel gooey over. Rah!
Which brings me to a release date. Mark your calendars, cos Rocking Horse Hill is coming soon.
Speaking of covers, it won’t be long and I’ll have one to show off. Newsletter subscribers score a look before anyone else. So if you want to be the first to see the cover and blurb, as well as catch up on other news, take a trip to my website and sign up.
Currently I’m well into my 2015 book, The Falls, which stars Teagan Bliss, a character from Rocking Horse Hill. This one is set in a gorgeous valley in New South Wales and features some “interesting” villagers, as well as a super sexy farrier hero and an evil cat. Great fun!
For those in the Mildura and Red Cliffs area, I’m coming your way. Just in time for Valentine’s Day too.
For more information, please visit the Mildura Rural City Council website.
My new website is nearing completion and should go live mid next month. I can’t wait. It’s so pretty!
Friday Feast is still on holidays but I’ve lined up some fantastic authors to kick the year off. Stay tuned for more on that. But if you’re looking for some recipes to try then don’t forget the recipe index is there for you to salivate over. Toblerone brownies, anyone?
And finally, a quick Us Heins Weren’t Meant To Play Golf update. I dropped another stroke off my handicap. I have no idea how or why, but it happened. The Great Golfing God is toying with me…
Till next time, stay cool (or warm!) and enjoy your Australia Day weekend. I know I will!
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